Individual Flexibility Agreement Template

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Individual Flexibility Agreement Template
Individual Flexibility Agreement Template from

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, it’s important for employers and employees to have the flexibility to meet their individual needs. This is where an Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA) comes into play. An IFA is a written agreement between an employer and an employee that allows for variations to certain terms and conditions of an award or enterprise agreement. In this article, we will explore the concept of an Individual Flexibility Agreement and provide you with a template that you can use to create your own.

Table of Contents

  1. What is an IFA?
  2. Why are IFAs important?
  3. When can an IFA be used?
  4. How to create an IFA?
  5. Template
  6. Tips for using an IFA
  7. Reviewing and updating an IFA
  8. Potential issues
  9. Conclusion

What is an IFA?

An Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA) is a tool that allows employers and employees to make changes to certain terms and conditions of an award or enterprise agreement to better suit their individual circumstances. It is a written agreement that must be signed by both parties and lodged with the employer for record-keeping purposes.

An IFA can be used to vary a wide range of conditions, such as hours of work, overtime rates, penalty rates, and allowances. However, it cannot be used to reduce an employee’s overall take-home pay or to remove any of the minimum entitlements provided by the relevant award or enterprise agreement.

Why are IFAs important?

IFAs provide flexibility for both employers and employees. They allow employers to tailor working arrangements to better meet their business needs, while also providing employees with the opportunity to negotiate conditions that suit their individual circumstances.

IFAs can be particularly beneficial in industries with irregular hours, such as healthcare and hospitality, where employees may require more flexibility in their working arrangements. They can also be useful for employees with personal commitments, such as caring for a child or pursuing further education.

When can an IFA be used?

An IFA can only be used if it benefits the employee overall and meets certain requirements. These requirements include:

  1. The employee must be covered by an award or enterprise agreement that allows for IFAs.
  2. The employee must be better off overall compared to the relevant award or enterprise agreement.
  3. The IFA must be in writing and signed by both the employer and the employee.
  4. The IFA must include certain information, such as the terms and conditions being varied and the overall effect on the employee’s pay and entitlements.
  5. The employee must have received appropriate advice and had the opportunity to seek independent advice before entering into the IFA.

How to create an IFA?

Creating an IFA involves several steps:

  1. Identify the terms and conditions that both the employer and the employee wish to vary.
  2. Consult with the employee and provide them with all the relevant information about the proposed changes.
  3. Give the employee a reasonable opportunity to consider the proposed changes and seek independent advice if desired.
  4. Draft the IFA, ensuring that it includes all the necessary information and is clear and understandable.
  5. Provide the employee with a copy of the IFA and allow them enough time to consider it.
  6. Once both parties are satisfied with the terms of the IFA, it should be signed and dated by both the employer and the employee.
  7. Lodge a copy of the IFA with the employer for record-keeping purposes.


Below is a template that you can use as a starting point for creating your own Individual Flexibility Agreement:

[Insert Company/Organization Name]

[Insert Employee Name]

[Insert Date]

Individual Flexibility Agreement

I, [Insert Employee Name], and [Insert Company/Organization Name], hereby agree to the following variations to the terms and conditions of the [Insert Award/Enterprise Agreement Name]:

[Insert details of the proposed variations, including specific terms and conditions to be varied and the overall effect on the employee’s pay and entitlements.]

Both parties have received appropriate advice and had the opportunity to seek independent advice regarding the proposed variations. By signing below, both parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this Individual Flexibility Agreement and agree to be bound by them.

[Insert Employee Name][Insert Company/Organization Name]

[Insert Employee Signature][Insert Company/Organization Representative Signature]

[Insert Date][Insert Date]

Tips for using an IFA

When using an IFA, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Ensure that the proposed variations are fair and reasonable and comply with the relevant laws and regulations.
  2. Provide the employee with all the necessary information about the proposed changes and give them enough time to consider them.
  3. Encourage the employee to seek independent advice if they have any concerns or questions.
  4. Keep a copy of the signed IFA for record-keeping purposes.

Reviewing and updating an IFA

An IFA should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of both the employer and the employee. This is particularly important if there are any changes to the employee’s circumstances or to the relevant award or enterprise agreement. Both parties should be open to discussing and renegotiating the terms of the IFA as necessary.

Potential issues

While IFAs can provide flexibility and benefits for both employers and employees, there are potential issues that need to be considered. These include:

  • Ensuring that the employee is genuinely better off overall compared to the relevant award or enterprise agreement.
  • Ensuring that the terms of the IFA are clear and understandable.
  • Addressing any power imbalances between the employer and the employee during the negotiation process.
  • Complying with all the legal requirements and obligations.


An Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA) is a valuable tool that allows employers and employees to tailor their working arrangements to better meet their individual needs. By following the steps outlined in this article and using the provided template, you can create your own IFA and enjoy the benefits of increased flexibility and customization in your workplace.

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