Resignation Letter Due To Relocation Of Military Spouse

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Introduction Reasons for Resignation Writing the Resignation Letter Format and Structure Tips for a Successful Resignation Example Resignation Letter Conclusion


Relocating due to the military spouse’s deployment or transfer can be a challenging and emotional time for families. In such situations, the working spouse often faces the difficult decision of resigning from their current job in order to support their spouse’s career. Crafting a resignation letter that effectively communicates the reasons for leaving and expresses gratitude for the opportunity can help ease the transition. This article will provide guidance on how to write a resignation letter due to the relocation of a military spouse.

Reasons for Resignation

When resigning due to the relocation of a military spouse, it is important to clearly state the reasons for leaving in your letter. Some common reasons include:

  • The need to be with your spouse during their deployment
  • The relocation to a new duty station
  • The inability to find suitable employment at the new location
  • The desire to provide stability for your family during the transition

Writing the Resignation Letter

Writing a resignation letter can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is to be clear, concise, and professional. Start your letter by addressing it to your immediate supervisor or the appropriate person in your organization. Express your gratitude for the opportunity to work with the company and briefly explain the reasons for your resignation. Keep the tone positive and avoid any negative comments about the company or your colleagues.

Offer to assist in the transition process by providing contact information for any ongoing projects or responsibilities. Express your willingness to help train your replacement if necessary. Finally, thank your supervisor and the company for their understanding and support during this challenging time.

Format and Structure

A resignation letter should follow a standard format and structure. Begin with a formal salutation, such as “Dear [Supervisor’s Name]” or “To Whom It May Concern.” Use a professional tone throughout the letter and avoid using emotional language. Clearly state your intention to resign and include your last working day, taking into consideration any notice period required by your employment contract.

In the body of the letter, explain the reasons for your resignation and highlight the positive aspects of your time with the company. If applicable, mention any contributions or achievements you have made during your tenure. Keep the letter concise and to the point, aiming for a length of one to two paragraphs.

Tips for a Successful Resignation

Resigning from a job can be a sensitive and delicate matter. Here are some tips to help ensure a successful resignation:

  • Notify your supervisor in person or via a face-to-face video call before submitting the resignation letter.
  • Be prepared for a possible counteroffer from your employer and consider your options carefully before making a decision.
  • Offer to help with the transition by training your replacement or providing any necessary handover documentation.
  • Maintain a positive attitude and avoid burning bridges with your employer or colleagues.

Example Resignation Letter

Here is an example of a resignation letter due to the relocation of a military spouse:

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Supervisor’s Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position at [Company Name]. My resignation is due to the relocation of my spouse, who is a member of the military, to a new duty station.

I am grateful for the opportunities I have had during my time at [Company Name]. The experiences and skills I have gained here have been invaluable, and I will always look back on my time with fondness. However, the needs of my family must take priority at this time.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and would be happy to assist in any way possible, including training my replacement or providing any necessary handover documentation. My last working day will be [Last Working Day], in accordance with the notice period stated in my employment contract.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging time. I appreciate the opportunities I have had at [Company Name] and the guidance and mentorship you have provided. I will miss working with you and the rest of the team.

Wishing you and the company continued success.


[Your Name]


Resigning from a job due to the relocation of a military spouse can be a difficult decision, but by following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, you can craft a professional and effective resignation letter. Remember to express gratitude for the opportunities you have had, state the reasons for your resignation clearly, and offer assistance in the transition process. By maintaining a positive attitude and leaving on good terms, you can pave the way for future opportunities and maintain valuable professional relationships.